Working with feelings is a team effort.

That’s why we love earning the chance to observe the dynamics of teams or group of leaders. We can often walk into (or virtually join) a room and immediately pick up on unnamed or unspoken dynamics. Creating a space for these dynamics to be surfaced, named, and discussed brings relief to strained interactions and allows the gifts of the affected individuals to shine.

We have facilitated sessions at every level of the organization, from high-growth startups to behaviorally-entrenched enterprises. We are happy to adapt to structures and systems that are established in the organizational environment, as we generally find stakeholder interactions and beliefs formed around power structures are leading contributors to group challenges.

Our workshops are NOT training.

Where there may be components designed to bring different perspectives, the goal of our workshops or facilitations are to help bring the room to a new understanding about a challenge, each other, or possible solution. We just don’t know what you know about your organization. However, we know a lot about creating the conditions for high-performing teams to emerge.

We would love a chance to help you through a challenge, ultimately earning a chance to help you take on even more impactful change.

Scope of our facilitations and workshops vary. Here are some ways we have helped others:

  • Bring the voice of individual contributors to executives to shape executive engagement and communications
  • Identify key managerial behaviors delaying change adoption
  • Produce and present operational data analysis to challenge status quo attitudes and behaviors
  • Gather sentiment and examples of individual contributors being overwhelmed by managerial demand
  • Mitigate conflict between teams refusing to collaborate due to emotional bruising
  • Visualize competing stakeholder needs and facilitate strategic alignment decisions
  • Walk key members through previously-unnamed tensions that were producing dysfunction
  • Guide self-identified change agents to identify short, medium, and long-term ideas for a better workplace experience